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Aiden Starr & Maestro Stefanos & Rob Piper & Victoria Voxxx & Zoe Sparx in Masochistic Anal Sluts Suffer and Squirt For BDSM Party - TheUpperFloor

Aiden Starr & Maestro Stefanos & Rob Piper & Victoria Voxxx & Zoe Sparx in Masochistic Anal Sluts Suffer and Squirt For BDSM Party - TheUpperFloor
The second half of our BDSM swinger soiree opens with Victoria Voxxx hanging in a painful shibari ball tie with her ass ripe for fucking by Rob Piper. Zoe Sparx has her petite body placed in a painful endurance squat holding weighted buckets. Both sluts must hold their orgasms until they learn the house rules. This is no small feat when surrounded by sadistic perverts that want to see both whores punished. Victoria takes her anal fucking like a good little sex toy while Zoe sweats and pleads and eventually degrades herself enough that the party-goers teach them the rules of the House. Reciting the rules through their screams, both submissive sluts earn a barrage of brutal orgasms to the delight of the perverted swingers around them. Zoe is finally granted some cock, and grovels on her knees swallowing as much as she can. She is such a greedy little bitch that Rob takes pity on, and fucks standing in the middle of the crowd while Stefanos beats her for not waiting her turn. The crowd is alive with wild sexual energy. Some guests have brought a fucking machine and rail a beautiful female guest with a freshly beaten ass while she cums uncontrollably. Shibari suspensions and swinger sex games fill the room with the sounds of sensual delight and enthusiastic blowjobs. It has come to Aiden Starr's attention that Victoria Voxxx has never submitted to a woman. Aiden wastes no time in putting Victoria to the test in a pile driver bondage position, whipping her swollen clit and asshole with cruel conviction. Victoria owes her for all the dick she has gotten that evening, and Aiden will take her payment in pain. Tight metal clover clamps are placed tightly and pulled off again and again while Victoria has more pain orgasms than she thought possible. Aiden breaks her wide open, shoving both her hands in Victoria's ass and pussy, plunging her tight whore holes until she is shivering with orgasm overload. Made to grind out one more orgasm by humping Aiden's boot, Victoria finally gets into a stressful back-bend and licks Aiden's pussy until her Mistress is satisfied. Stefanos calls the whole party together again and demands that both submissives prove their worth in their fields of specialty: pain and humiliation. Victoria is clamped with a gigantic zipper that stretches from her collar down to her pussy lips and waits gracefully to have it torn from her flesh. Through this, she still manages to orgasm and recite the rules with aplomb. Zoe proves her use as a fuck piggy, squirting again and again on Rob's cock for the the amused house guests. Once the party-goers have voted, both sluts will receive a hot load of cum, and perhaps a collared position with The Upper Floor.
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Final Fantasy: Rinoa Heartilly A XXX Parody

Final Fantasy: Rinoa Heartilly A XXX Parody
You've not always been the most social fella, have you Squall? You're just not a people person, save one - Rinoa. That sexy little rebel. That being said, you're not crazy about the way she acts around Seifer - that guy is bad news. That's why you've summoned Rinoa for a little chat. Everyone and their mother has started to notice some chemistry between you and Rinoa. This raven-haired cutie is a little bashful herself, so ease her into it but give her the dicking of a lifetime. And when you're ready, blast her with your shooting star.
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Morning Marmalade

Morning Marmalade
You had one of those crazy Czech nights. What happened again? You just woke up in someone else bed. You’re crossing your fingers and hoping you got lucky. Well, as it turns out that girl next to you is smoking hot! Thank the old and new Gods, Claudia Mac is your typical Czech bombshell. Your morning wood is a testimony to that fact. So grab your VR headset and go apply your morning marmalade to this sexy muffin.
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Meet the Myluvs

Meet the Myluvs
Your girl Lola’s parents are visiting this weekend. The Myluvs might have one hell of a weird name but they are so warm and lovely. Lola just happened to arrive home, late as always. And she’s got this urge… to fuck. Lola might have forgotten that her parents are visiting but wanting your cock, that she just can’t forget. Now you gotta fuck her as quietly as possible. And clearly that ain’t gonna happen. You already image the weird conversations it will make at the dinner table tonight. So grab your VR headset and go satisfy the bottomless hunger of your girl Lola Myluv.
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